Sunday 23 July 2017

Vertigo wave vst freeware

VERTIGO WAVE is a musical instrument that offers an approach of "Ondes Martenot".

Maurice Martenot was a French pedagogue who was concerned to open a new horizon of music by providing unprecedented means of expression, a palette of sounds not yet heard, putting the progress of science in the service of art. And then, in 1928, he designed and offers this wonderful musical instrument, enigmatic and sensitive: the Ondes Martenot !

People from around the world, this instrument uses French words, true to its origin, but do not panic, everything is explained in the "info" tab of Reaktor! And it is a good way to learn some words in a language which goes very well with poetry ...

So you can choose the following sounds: Ondes, Creux, Gambé, Nasillard, Octaviant or Tutti. The use of FEUTRE allow you to filter the signal and the SOUFFLE add some pink noise. The vibrato adjustment will increase the sensitivity of the instrument by setting the delay, speed and intensity. Finally, you can choose to pass through several diffusers as Pincipal (D1), Resonance (D2), Metallic (D3) or Palm (D4) with the ability to add some stereo.

But most important is to understand how it is played! 


- Polyphonic, the instrument is played like an organ.
- Monophonic: you choose between the type of control keyboard or ribbon control.
- Modulation wheel : controls the musical nuances, the vibrato speed and intensity.
- Pitchbend : experimental effect often used on the Ondes Martenot.
- Velocity keys : controls the speed of the portamento, in Mono Ribbon mode.

Download here

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